Love RP? anime? cosplay? Come try the RolePlay Manor. All are welcomed!
RolePlay Butler


1. No fawl language unless in the Dark Forum
2. The Dark Forum is for users 18+ and consists of content R-rated. User descreption advised
3. No God Moding!
4. No Horrasments or bring downs, we are all in this manor togeher lets keep it happy shall we?
5. Anthing over pg-13 is to be said or RPed in the Dark Forum.
6. Butler's and Maid's have the final say so though a court can be set up to change a rule.
7.Have Fun.
8. Try to bring at least one more Master to our Manor. Help us grow!


Warning 1 is simply a tap on the wrist and a days ban from the site.

warning 2 ban for a week.

Warning 3 Ban for a month.

Warning 4 Account Deletion. (Only Butlers can use this Ban.)
Welcome to the RolePlay Manor it is an honor to serve you. -Forever your loyal butler, Butler-Kuroshitsuji